"Out of the the fire swamp" A Technologist’s perspective for HR
We are witnessing a wave of Automation in the Technology industry. The industry that disrupted many jobs over last couple of decades is experiencing a churn within. It is best to understand this in depth from a technologist’s perspective. on the challenges faced in software development in past, present and future. The reality through multiple lenses highlighting what worked and more importantly what haven’t and the lessons learned by peeling each levels of abstraction we have built over silicon.
Speaker – Bharani Subramaniam
Bharani is the Technology Principal at Thoughtworks for India / Europe. His passion is to simplify system design and constantly rethink the choices made in the past with new possibilities that could push design towards simplicity.
“Out of the the fire swamp” A Technologist’s perspective for HR
Bharani Subramaniam
At 07.00 pm, on Friday, 24th Feb, 2017
At Hotel Savera, Dr. Radhakrishnan Salai, Mylapore
Registration Fee of Rs. 400/- will apply to Non-Members attending the program.
Networking over tea begins at 6.30 pm.