Spirit of Mindfulness and Leadership

Research by Harvard Medical School and other university studies have confirmed that Mindfulness Meditation has changed the brain structure of the practitioners by increasing the grey matter in Anterior Cingulate Cortex, Pre Frontal Cortex, Hippocampus and other areas of the brain!
Why the above fact would be of interest to every leader working in the VUCA business environment?
Why would a business leader want to know about Anterior Cingulate Cortex. Pre Frontal Cortex. Hippocampus?
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Sounak is a practitioner of mindfulness and meditation. He first learned meditation at the age of thirteen. Early inspiration came from reading Swami Vivekananda, and the first integration of spiritual practices into work started in the beginning of his career, when he served social sector at the Himalayas. In the year 2006, he was initiated spiritually and continues to be a learner of the spiritual essence of both ancient as well as contemporary teachings from various traditions.
As an Organization, Learning & Leadership Development professional, he has 15 years of diverse experience in multiple industries and roles. He has worked and consulted with organizations such as CRISIL, IMRB International, Azim Premji Foundation, Adventity, ICRA McKinsey Knowledge Center, Nicholas Piramal,Sanofi Aventis and SICO Bahrain.
He led Youth Leadership & Community Development across India, co-founded strategic HR consulting firm, managed nation wide hiring and led Leadership Organization Development for US $ 600 Million Rene Group.
Sounak is management post graduate from IISW & BM, Calcutta and an alumni of Search Inside Yourself (SIY) Mindfulness and Neuroscience based Leadership Prograrn, which was born at Google and designed by world experts in the field, such as Daniel Goleman, Chade-Meng, scientist from Stanford and a Zen master.
He is the founder of ‘Hi Happy Monk!’ a Mindfulness based Leadership, Learning & Organization Development consulting firrn.

NHRDN Chennai Chapter
Presents, An experiential session on
“Spirit of Mindfulness and Leadership”
Mr. Sounak

At 06.30 pm, on Friday, 27th Oct, 2017
At Hotel Savera, Dr. Radhakrishnan Salai, Mylapore

Registration Fee of Rs. 400/- will apply to Non-Members attending the program.
Mindful Tea & Networking is part of the experience!

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